Have you ever wondered what Nico might sound like if she had been introduced to Zoloft? Cuz I have. No, seriously, I totally have. A co-worker of mine once intimated that Nico's voice sounded kind of like a cross between a foghorn and someone with Down's Syndrome having trouble enunciating. Look, I didn't say it, I'm just repeating it. But I violently disagreed, folded my arms, and cold-shouldered him through 6 more hours of brain-killing data entry and his shitty Keane CD collection.
I may not know shit about the band Appaloosa, but one thing I do know is that I'm fairly certain that said co-worker would totally hate them, because Zoloft, meet Nico. Nico, meet Zoloft. Now you two go in a room with a young German guy and make some moody electro. Thank you. You're welcome.
Seiously, this is destined to be a post completely absent of any pertinent information, but I hope you'll appreciate that the crappy reportage is directly inverse to the excellent music of Appaloosa. Oddly enough, there's a pretty similarly useless interview with the band on the (500)Days of Summer film blog.
Currently, you can only buy their fine single "The Day We (Fell In Love)" from Kitsune and iTunes, but the demos on their myspace page are more than just a little fucking promising.
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