Tuesday, November 3, 2009

11/3 - jj

Here's a tip for all you young bands out there: Please name yourself something that is easy to search on Google. Go on, jj, try just typing "jj" in a Google search and see how fucking hard it is to find your band. Also, here's a second tip: don't be so damn mysterious. It's totally okay to tell people who is actually in your band. We probably haven't ever heard of you anyway. And given that fact, chances are that if you don't tell us WHO THE H-E-Double Hockey Sticks you are now, we never will.

That said, I suppose it merits mention that I found the musical output of said band called "jj" to be sufficiently intriguing to actually do the necessary legwork to find out, well, basically nothing about them whatsoever except for the fact that they seem to be another happy offering of the population of Gothenburg, Sweden - a place my disembodied spirit will one day go when I die, because I'm sure it must be heaven itself.

So, really, I've got nothing for you here but some non-videos of some nice songs. I kind of dig the floatiness (sure, that's a technical term right?) of the music, and the lush hint of a St. Etienne distant memory in the vocals. Like Sarah Cracknell is singing to you through some cups attached by a string. Soft as a cloud.

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