Tuesday, August 25, 2009

8/25 - Little Dragon

In my imagination, Sweden is this glorious place where wonderful, glowing people are all carrying instruments to their magnificent practice space where they will gather together to make pretty, life-affirming, upbeat pop music that will then travel to the headphones of the rest of the world and bring peace to mankind. In reality, Sweden may well suck, and there probably are at least a FEW unattractive people there (though I'm yet to be provided proof of this), but in my head I'd prefer to believe in this musical Valhalla.

Riding on the backs of the feathery mystical pets of Odin, direct to your stereo this month, are the kids from Gothenberg called Little Dragon. A couple of years ago, Little Dragon provided an eponymous album of bedroom jazzy electrofusion, with a couple of really sublime sad and slow golden nuggets, and quite a few total disappointments. This month, they release their second foray and emerge with a tighter, bigger, more mature sound, leaving much of their slow musings to the likes of Fever Ray, in favor of some upbeat funky outings.

Thankfully, they haven't left behind their penchant for cool videos, though.

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