Tuesday, August 4, 2009

8/4/ - Anavan

To see Anavan play live is pretty much akin to doing a full-scale aerobic workout on mushrooms. I once asked Aaron, the manic, dynamic drummer/singer how I should describe their music, and he told me he liked to consider it "experimental electronic." I'll buy that for a dollar fifty.

The first time I saw Anavan was about three years ago at SXSW. They were playing a pretty depressing day show. Molly, the keyboardist/singer, happens to be my close friend's sister. Otherwise, the way I was feeling that day (read: HAGGARD), I never would have crawled my carcass into any kind of establishment that would possibly make me have to smell alcohol. But, that being said, despite the sparsity of the crowd at that particular show, Anavan kicked me in the ass like a snootful of cocaine. Generally speaking, when a friend says, "Oh my sister's band is really good. No, really." You bide your time until you go to your one obligatory show and rehearse deception in front of the mirror, "sure, yeah, they were great," and practice your excuses for never having to see them again.

Not this time, my friends. Anavan is the peak of what you want to see in a live show. Explosive drums, bass that makes you dance like someone's shooting pistols at your feet, and above all...showmanship. Something that, in my book, is sorely lacking in plenty of bands in the LA scene. Anavan plays often with the likes of Abe Vigoda and HEALTH, who have both managed to escalate to a little more national recognition than Anavan. I certainly won't say that's undeserved, but a little Anavan love is far overdue. Not only is this three-piece fun, fresh, and electric, but they're also damn smart, and that's another thing we need a little more of.


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